Friday, December 21, 2012

Welcome ICLW!

Hi!  I'm Stephanie, I'm 28, and I'm a scattered blogger.  We've been TTC for nearly four and a half years, with no success.  You can read more about our journey under my "TTC Timeline" at the top.

For now, I just mostly blog about day to day life and the things that are going on at our place.  Up until September, I was solely a (mostly) volunteer online community manager, but now I'm also a mother's helper, and a piano teacher.  In 2013, I've decided to get a little more serious about the piano teaching side of things, so I'm working on finding a place to hold lessons, because my keyboard is not adequate.

So... that's my last month or so in a nutshell.  :)


  1. Stopping by from ICLW. I've been trying for almost 4 years as well. It is such a very long time to deal with this heartbreak. You seem to be in a good place and I'm so happy to see that.

    1. It's been a journey to get here, but yes, I am in a pretty good place. :)

  2. Hi from ICLW! Wow, four years? It's been over one for us and that feels like forever. Best wishes to you and your family.

  3. Hi from ICLW! I always wanted to learn how to play the piano.

  4. hi from iclw! Love the piano playing, what a wonderful talent to be blessed with!

  5. Best luck with your plans with teaching! Visiting from ICLW #51


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